Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chapter Eight- Nature


As we flew into the clearing of the forest I immediately saw Shala, the nature spirit. Beautiful as always. Her blonde fur was messy but she looked strong and graceful. Tice was curled around her, she was sitting in the middle of his ‘curl’ (see a picture of them on the character pictures page) leaning against him. She looked up at me, her green eyes softened when she saw me. We had always been friends. I was an ice fairy, she was a nature fairy. But all the same we were great friends.
She waved and I flew down and landed beside her.
“Hello there. I haven’t seen you in a while. Where have you been?” She teased.
“Oh, you know. Places to go. Things to do.” I looked over and Fira and Nia both simultaneously rolled their eyes at me. I looked back at Shala. She had a disappointed look in her eyes, and after a few awkward moments of silence, she gladly changed the subject.
“Well I know you wouldn’t be coming with these two for no reason…” She gestured towards Fira and Nia, “So whats up?” I smiled. She is just so clever.
“Well, something has happened…” I set shatter down and pulled her aside.
“You knew the queen, right?” I whispered.
“Well yes. Of course.” She whispered back.
“Shes gone missing…”
“Sorry…. Go on…”
“Well im almost positive that her disappearance has to do with her husband…”
“Shade? The king?”
“Yes, the former king. There is no king at the moment. And now there is no queen either…”
“Well what are we supposed to do? Shade disappeared a long time ago… how do we even know he’s alive?”
“We don’t. But if my guess is right…. And he’s the one who took the queen… then he has to be alive… somewhere where nobody is likely to find him.” She nodded and walked towards the girls. I followed.
“Girls im so sorry to hear what’s happened…” Fira cut her off,
“… Thanks. But before we say anything else can you please explain to me whats going on?” Fira snapped. Shala looked surprised, but then smiled.
“Im Shala, goddess of all nature and nature fairies. Or you could say I’m leader or spirit… but I like to go by goddess” She smiled at Fira. Fira smiled back. And then came over to me.
“How do you know her? And why did we come to her?”
“She can help us somehow. I know it. She’s a great friend of mine. I trust her.” I replied. Fira nodded and turned back to Shala.
“So what were you saying?”…

Authors Note:
2 comments before next post! Oh, and Willow, I need to talk to you about what I have planned for Opal in the story. I need you to approve it.


  1. Ok! Send me an email and approval shall come! :D

    -Willow Spirit

  2. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. Can't wait for the next chapter! :D

  3. Oh hey and I had a great idea for the story, but it's your story so if you don't want to use it that's okay :)

    1. Oh please tell me what it is! And sorry I haven't been posting... :)

    2. Okie dokie loki, but I've gotta message you privately on Chatroll or email you or something (ya know, spoilers if you decide to use it)

    3. oh and is the email to email you pics for our characters the same one I should use to email you the idea?

    4. Rawr I'll probably get around to it soon, probably on the weekend when I have no school, since I have my FINAL EXAM in Algebra, dun dun dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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