Sunday, May 12, 2013

Chapter Eleven- Escape


The whole room was hectic. Fairies flew around finding parts to my wedding dress and covering my face with unnecessary makeup- I was a fox, why do I need makeup? I felt restrained and uncomfortable in my big, itchy, puffy dress. I wanted to escape now. But I wasn’t sure if the people that Shala sent where going to make it in time.
Suddenly I felt something pulling my sleeve. I looked to my arm but saw nothing. But I was positive there was something pulling.
After a few moments I could see her. But as I looked around I noticed that nobody else seemed to notice her. She had long blonde hair and light skin. I could tell immediately that she was a light fairy. And most likely, she was currently invisible. But me, my powerful self, could see her, even though she was invisible to most.
“What are you doing?” I asked, hoping she was the one sent by Shala.
“Trying to get your attention…” She whispered, “Shala said you knew.” It was them! Or… her. I expected there to be more. But she was just in time. And as long as I was rescued from this then I was happy.
“I do know! But how are we going to make our escape? Someone would notice… they are all looking at me…”
“I’ll turn you invisible if your okay with that. I’m sure they will notice your gone but at least they wont know where you went…”
“Ok.” I agreed. I felt her bending the light around me. It sort of tingled and my wings felt light. But then suddenly the whole room seized to a stop. And all at once everyone started talking…..
“Where did she go… Princess!... Oh no!...... What are we going to do!!!... I’ll warn the prince… the wedding must continue…. Where is she!?” The whole room went into panic racing around and screaming, waving their hands in the air, and rushing downstairs. The light fairy lifted me off the ground and we flew out the window.
The air felt so nice after that hot room, but my dress was only half done and currently I was wearing a long white gown with a puffy sleeve on one shoulder and a big dome skirt. My face felt toxic, covered with all sorts of makeup. I wiped it off with my sleeve and my white sleeve became brown with makeup powder. We landed on the ground and I crumpled into a heap.
“Thank you” I coughed.
“It was nothing” She smiled and held out her paw, “Im Nia, by the way.” I shook her paw.
“Im opal.”
“Well I’d better go get my friends. Stay here. I’ll be right back.” She flew off into the forest. I huddled, trying to keep myself hidden. I waved my hand and my clothes changed into what I normally wear- a short white dress and long knee-high lace boots. (Sorry willow im not really sure what she normally wears, please tell me in the comments!)
After a few minutes I heard the faint flutter of wings and 3 fairies appeared, one holding a purple fox.
Nia was in the front, another fairy beside her. I could sense she was a royal. Her strawberry-blonde hair blew to her side and her large transparent wings- the color of fire- flapped as she neared me. She was a fire fairy.
The next fairy held a purple fox. He was tall with skin that looked almost white. He had silver like hair and sharp wings that flapped quickly. His eyes were gray and I knew immediately that he was an ice fairy. And he held a purple fox. I wasn’t sure about the purple fox. It wore a black cloak and an amulet and when my eyes met its eyes I sensed a feeling but I couldn’t put my finger on it. What was this fox?
A light fairy, a fire fairy, an ice fairy, and a purple fox. Weird. The fire fairy spoke first,
“Im Fira. This is Dorn,” she gestured toward the ice fairy, “And this is shatter” She gestured towards the purple fox.
“Nice to meet you” I replied. I couldn’t help myself from being polite. Its just how I was taught as I grew up. But I wished I wasn’t so perfect and princessey. Its how I was molded, but its not how I really was. My personality was more fierce and strong, not polite and girly. (Willow, Opal sort of reminds me of Willow (on aj) and so I am sort of basing her off of willow a little…).
“But why did you come help me?” I asked.
“Shala said you were the one helping us…” Fira replied.
“She said you could help us find my mother…”
“She did… wait… whats going on?”
“My mother. Queen Nix of misty mountains. She disappeared a few days ago. And we are looking for her. We think that my father, Shade, a shadow fairy, took her.” I backed away from Fira.
“You’re father’s a… a… shadow fairy?” I was so surprised and confused. Fira lowered her head.
“No. He was once a powerful Fire fairy. But something happened. And he left, turned into a shadow fairy, and now he took my mother.”
“Does he live here?” I said. Suddenly realizing something…….
“Yes, we think he is hiding in this forest.”
“I know someone who might be able to help.”

Author's Note:
2 comments before next chapter! Hope you liked it!


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