Monday, June 3, 2013


Well, I don't know if you guys have noticed but I have changed the name of the blog to 'misty wings- a series by adbout'. Its exciting to be nearing a new book in the misty wings series. Im sorry I haven't posted the next chapter yet, I am almost done but I probably wont post the chapter until tomorrow so I can let you guys read this post. I have come up with an idea for a sequel. Willow- I really liked your idea of merging Celestial Towers with Misty Mountains. I give Willow credit for that idea.
Also I will probably write a few more chapters before concluding the first book- although im not sure. Anyway, heres my idea for the sequel:

Nix is intent on finding a way to bring Shade back- not the Shadow fairy- the old shade. After looking for weeks, Fira thinks she might have actually found a way to bring a shadow fairy back into what it used to be. But to do this, it requires a journey. Celestial Towers is a kingdom that beholds a flower in its forests that is said to be able to turn evil to good- shadows to fairies. Fira is determined to seek this flower down. But until she travels to Celestial Towers she has no idea that there are only one of these flowers left and it hasn't been seen for years. But Fira still thinks she might have what it takes to find this flower- I mean she found her long lost father. Violet leads Fira to Willow, who was the last one to see the flower. Bringing Alice, Oakfire, Willow, Violet and frost along the gang sets out to find a flower that is said to be non-existing.
What Fira doesn't realize, is the Shadows aren't letting her take Shade without a fight. They have been tracking the gang down and soon meet the shadow clones (could someone tell me more about shadow clones?). It soon becomes a race to who can find the flower first. And if Fira doesn't find it she will lose her chance to bring Shade back. And secretly, Fira isn't just doing it for her mother, she wants to meet the father she never knew.
Faced with impossible challenges, Fira, Nia, Opal, Alice, Oak, Willow, Violet, and Frost begin the sequel to Misty Wings.

How do you like it? Im sorry I cut out so many of the previous characters. But I figured since most of your characters from CT are in it you wont mind. Please leave your comments!


  1. This is completely random but kind of relevant. Shatter's character came from the story I created about Frost's past, and Shatter is part of that story. Frost and Shatter never did get along...

    Nice idea, by the way. If you don't mind, I could write a story about the rest of the Misty Wing cast that didn't go on this adventure, you know, like those short stories focusing on one character.

    I never did get to the subject on Frost's personality, did I? Not on the main kingdom blog, I don't think. Well, it's probably helpful to you. Frost is generally good-natured, but hostile when threatened and very hard to become friends with, but the others do respect her, her being the healer sage and all. She often goes off into her own little world, rambling on about some past event.

    Also hates Shatter. With a passion. Mention her and she'll go ballistic.


    Herp derp.


  2. Heh heh ;-; I regret leaving the kingdom, but it was too much for me to take. =-=

    But go on ahead! And for shadow clones....

    They are evil in its strongest form. These creatures are clones of their king. Since they are just clones, they have NO FEAR. They ust reform if killed normally. You need a spirit to totally wipe them out. They look like shadows with glowing red eyes, and raspy voices that just taunt. They also have the capability to use their showy forms to find their opponents biggest fear, and pressure them into breaking. Shadow clones feed of fear. The more you gve, the stronger they live.



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