
If any of you have any questions what so ever about anything related to this blog just ask on this page. I will answer in the comments and post the question here. These questions may include questions you have asked or questions I thought of that I wanted you to know.

Q: What is a shadow fairy?
A: A shadow fairy is pretty much a fairy made out of shadows. They can appear with a solid form, but they are usually seen as pretty much a shadow in the form of a fairy. Its like dust and dirt and shadows in the shape of a fairy. (I made this up so I don't think it is actually something, but it is in my story.)

Q: If we have a character do we create chapters of them?
A: No. Your character will eventually show up in my story eventually. Don't worry. The only reason you have ownership of your character is for rollplay (and if you have complaints about them in the story notify me. Its your character so you have complete control over them.)


  1. So, um, stupid question, but if we have a character, do we create chapters of them? I'm not sure. And also, where do we post the chapters?


    1. No you don't. And that's alright that's a fine question. The character will eventually come in to the story at some point. So don't worry you will see your character soon!

  2. The story is great so far! Can you make a sequel?

    1. thanks so much that makes me feel great :)
      I would love to make a sequel... I have some ideas for one but im not sure how interesting the next book would be if I used my ideas. So I might have an idea contest for what the next chapter could be about.... Thanks!

  3. Anonymous KangarooJuly 15, 2013 at 7:22 PM

    Are you still taking questions? i hope so, *ahem* why do people like misty wings so much? thats my question, good day ^_^ *drops dubstep kitty plush* AH! D: *picks up* ... good day o-o *hops off*

    1. Well the reason they like it is because I have spent a lot of time on the story and developed a good storyline and strong characters. So that's why if your wondering... And if you don't have anything nice to say maybe you should just leave me blog... >:D

  4. Where did you come up with the phrase "we found an ancient book"? I had a dream/fantasy/vision about someone saying that, so i googled it and i found your story. kinda weird!


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