Friday, August 2, 2013

Chapter 5- Gone

Ok- so listen up guys! I know most of you are from CT and know that Willow and Alice are no longer part of CT- which means they can no longer be part of the story. For now I don’t really want to have to go through and change Willow and Alice and take them out and stuff- so just pretend Alice and Willow were never in the story and Frost was who Willow has been in the story. So Frost is pretty much the one who has seen the flower and such and she is going on the quest with them- and Oak is also going too. So yup. Its Fira, Nia, Violet, Frost, and Oak I believe. Yup. So, without further adieu, here is chapter 5!
When I say shadows- you probably think I meant shadow fairies. But I mean shadow Falcons. Shadow fairies are like tornadoes in the shape of fairies- but all animals can come in this shadow form. And most of them live in groups or in the Shadow Kingdom.
These were large Shadow Falcons- Each as big as us. There must have been at least a dozen of them circling the sky above, letting off large shrieks and swarming something in the sky. The sounds where horrifying- cries, shrieks, cackles, and other horrible sounds. When they finally backed away, a fairy fell from their claws. He looked up at us with bloodshot eyes. His gray wings were in shreds and his gray fur had clumps ripped off and you could see his skin under. I looked down at him and all I could think was fear. I didn’t know what to do. I knew I had to get away. But I knew I couldn’t leave him. I looked up at Frost for help but she looked just as stunned as me. Nia was gripping Violet and they were both staring into the sky, paralyzed with fear. Frost gulped and hoisted the fairy onto her back.
“Run.” She ordered. And so I did.
I ran and ran and ran for so long. My mind went blank and all I saw was the blur of my surroundings. I couldn’t hear anything except the screeching of the shadow falcons and the sound of my own heartbeat. I didn’t stop until I felt Violet shaking me from behind and finally hear her voice.
“Fira! C’mon! Can you not hear me? You need to come this way- follow me! I know where to go!” She gasped.
“Sorry- sorry Vi. Yeah- yeah show-sh-show me the way…. Hurry….” I panted. I could still clearly hear the screeches of the birds up above but I didn’t dare look up. Somehow they hadn’t come down to us yet- but they had followed us all this way. My thoughts suddenly cleared and I realized that they hadn’t come down because we were on the ground and moving fast and they had the best chance of catching us if we were flying. But if we stopped they could circle us and destroy us like they did to the other fairy. So I kept moving and followed Nia, Violet, Oak and Frost deeper into the Forest. Even though we had been running mindlessly through the forest for a long time, Violet still seemed to know where we were. She lead us to her treehouse and we all ran inside. She bolted the door best she could and led us into the room. We reached a wall and she pressed into one of the wood panels and a door appeared. She pushed it open and we all rushed inside. She closed the door and made sure that from the outside they couldn’t see it- except im not sure how she did that since we were on the inside- and assured us we were safe and told us to rest.
I scanned the room she had brought us into. It wasn’t much of a room really- it was more like an underground chamber. It was all dirt- the walls, the floor, and the ceiling. It was really dark except for bits of light coming in from the wood wall that led into the treehouse. We all fit fine in it- with lots of room to move around. But there wasn’t much to do but sit and catch our breath. But that didn’t matter because that’s all I wanted to do. For a few minutes we did. We just sat and caught our breath and let our eyes adjust to the darkness. Frost- being a Sage- made some thing with the dirt, plants growing off the walls, and bits of water leaking in from the ceiling that made the dirt glow- with Oak’s help of course, since she is a warlock. It let off some light but Oak kept messing up with whatever her part of the job was and it took them a few tries before they made a glowing ball of dirt. It glowed light green and made the room glow the same greenish color. Once we had all caught our breath our first order of business was to figure out what exactly happened to the fairy we saw fall from the sky.
Frost had somehow carried him all this way, and Oak and Frost talked to him while we all listened. The whole time Frost kept giving him sips of medicine she had made and other stuff.
“So… first things first….” Frost offered, but Oak cut her off.
“Whats your name?” Oak asked a little to exitedly.  The fairy looked at them with a pained look. When he talked he had a raspy voice, probably partly because the state he was in, and partly because he was pretty old.
“Colt. Colt Gare.” The fairy told us.
“Well… Colt…” Frost gave Oak a don’t-interrupt-me-or-your-dead sort of look and then went on, “What exactly… happened?” Colt raised his eyebrows.
“What happened? Well, I live in this forest. I left misty mountains a long time ago to come live here in the forest of CT.” He turned to look at Violet, “Vi, you’re a tough cookie, hope ya don’t mind me hoppin’ around your forest. We’re all fairies here, right?” He laughed, “Well, ya see, I was just flyin’ around when I saw those there falcons. Shadow Falcons. Whatever You call ‘em. They were headin’ right to me, so I flew away. But they caught me. And then you show up. Lucky me, eh? That you come just when I need you!” He laughed again and we all waited for him to continue but he didn’t seem to have anything else to say so Oak filled in the silence.
“Do you not like Misty Mountains or something?” She asked matter-of-factly.
“Kid, I like to be alone. And even the forest over in the Misty Mountains wasn’t quiet enough for me. Here’s much better. So I came here. Any more questions?” I didn’t really like this guy so far. I couldn’t help feeling bad for him considering what happened to him, but he didn’t seem to be taking it very seriously, so why should I? He acted like he got ripped up by Shadows every day and it wasn’t a big deal. I decided I didn’t want to hear anymore of this guy so I changed the subject.
“Violet, what is this place?” I asked.
“I’m not really sure…. I guess I created it just as a safe place in case… something like this happened.”
“It’s really smart Violet. You probably saved our lives.” Nia commented. In the dim light I could see Vi blushing.
“Oh, it was really nothing.” Vi said.
Once the clatter of the Falcons left we decided the birds were gone and it was safe to go back into the treehouse. Violet opened the door and we all stepped out of the musty little chamber. When I saw what the falcons had done to Violet’s Tree house I didn’t know what to say.
Author's Note:
Ok Guys! I wrote chapter 5! Sorry- nothing much really happened in it. In each chapter something should be found out or they should discover something but nothing much really happened in this chapter....... but how about that guy- huh? Colt? What do you think is going to happen with him?
Im still not even sure how he's going to be important to the story..... what do you guys think? Maybe one of your ideas will be what I use! Tell me what you think is going to happen with colt... and how he could be important to the story.......
K. Plz comment!