Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chapter Four- Into the Forest

Chapter Four- Into the Forest


Violet, Nia, and I talked to Willow. We decided it would be best to leave today, or at least tomorrow. The sooner the better. A fox walked in from a door leading to another room. She had light blue fur and was wearing black headphones. She was listening to a song but slipped off her headphones to look up at us. The room suddenly got quiet as she entered and she and Violet eyed each other of a few seconds.
“Hi guys... Hi Vi and Willow… Umm… Whatcha doin?” She was eyeing me and Nia awkwardly, staring especially at our wings.
“Alice- this is Fira…” She gestured towards me, “… and Nia…” She gestured towards Nia, “And they are… uh… well… let me explain…” She took Alice into the room she had come from, probably to explain what was happening. I looked over at Violet and Nia.
“Violet, who’s she?” Asked Nia.
“Umm… well… that’s Alice. She’s really close friends with Willow… umm…” I could tell Violet was uncomftorable talking about Alice for some reason.
“So… Violet… is Willow the only person coming along with us… or is there more who might come?” I asked.
“Well… I’m not sure. Willow is talking to Alice right now and Alice might end up wanting to come… but I doubt it… we have a weird relationship, her and I.” Violet said.
Willow and Alice came back into the room.
“You guys have fun with that quest of yours. I’m going to stay here and hang.” She slipped her headphones back on and headed back out of the room.
“So, what do you say, guys? Should we head out?” Willow asked. And we all nodded.

We walked around the Village. Willow said she was going to pick up a few random supplies at the store before we left. I mean- since she was a warlock and Violet knew the forest really well, we probably weren’t going to have any trouble surviving. We really had nothing to worry about at the moment.
We entered a small little store at the edge of town and made our way inside. It sold pretty much anything you wanted. A younger fox with brown fur was not to far away from us in the store. Violet and Willow recognized her right away and ran up to her.
“Hey Oakie!” They exclaimed.
“Hey guys! Whats up?” Replied ‘Oakie’ excitedly. Violet gestured for us to come over. Nia and I slowly flew over and landed near them.
“Guys- this is Oak. Oak- this is Nia and Fira. Oak’s my apprentice in magic and our friend.” Willow said. Oak smiled.
“Nice to meet you!” She said giddily. She was a very high-spirited fox. All jumpy and full of energy.
“Nice to meet you too!” Said Nia.
“Yeah- Nice to meet you!”
“So what are you guys doing here?” Oak asked us.
“Umm.. well..” Violet cut me off.
“I can explain.” She whispered the whole predicament into Oak’s ear. Her eyes widened as she heard the story.
“I have to come. Please! Do you mind if I tag along? And since I’m Willow’s apprentice it won’t be too bad- I mean… she can teach me magic and stuff on the way, right?” Exclaimed Oak.
“Well… I guess so Oak. Welcome to the team!” Smiled Willow and oak gave a slight squeal of excitement.
“So when do we leave?” She asked.
“Well… now…” I said.
“Oh, ok…”
We headed into the forest. Oak, Violet, Nia, Willow, and I. It smelled wonderful- like cedar trees. I took a long whiff of the smell. We walked deeper into the forest. As we got farther it got a little bit darker but much more peaceful. Me and Violet and Nia where hovering/flying over the ground with Oak, and Willow who were on foot. Willow kept pointing out certain plants or things to Oak and explaining them to her. I guess it was some sort of apprenticing. We decided to take a rest and decide where to start.

That was when I saw the shadows.

Author's Note:

Theres chapter four!
I will be adding the current characters to the characters page tomorrow or soon. Im not sure exactly when I will do it but I will!
So that's about it! Please comment- and the next chapter will be coming!


  1. Whens the next chapter? i can't wait ^.^ and how long does a chapter usually take? :3

    1. Well.... A chapter doesn't usually take more then like an hour. But the thing is I'm going to have to go through everything and sort of write new chapters since... Well.... Willow and Alice aren't part of the kingdom anymore...

    2. wow, under an hour? coolio! ^3^ and maybe you could have Alice and Willow disappear? like Willow went into one of her portal thingys, and it wouldn't take much for alice, it didn't seem she had a really big effect in the story .o.


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